
Maximizing Revenue for You

Xerb’s pricing model is designed to maximize revenue for you, that’s why we designed a commission-based structure—because as partners we want to make sure we are successful only when you’re successful. See below for pricing for our two products, Virtual Events and Watch Anytime.

Virtual Events Pricing

Channel and Virtual Event Creation Free
Includes transcoding, storage, hosting and bandwidth
Commission from Ticket Sales 18% of ticket sales
(with a cap of $1 per ticket)
After payment processing fees
Commission from Pass Sales 18% of pass sales
(with a cap of $3 per pass)
After payment processing fees
Commission from Free Virtual Events* $1 per ticket
Commission from Free Passes* $3 per pass
Partner and Customer Support Free
Via phone, email and social media

*Free Virtual Events can be offered to the public. Contact to have this option activated for your channel.

Watch Anytime Pricing

Channel Creation Free
Includes transcoding, storage, hosting and bandwidth
Commission from Monthly Subscriptions 18% of total monthly revenue
After payment processing fees
Partner and Customer Support Free
Via phone, email and social media

Click here to learn how you get paid >

Click here to start setting up your channel >

We'll always keep you up to date, never spam you, sell your info, or desert you.