
This is where we post news that comes out about us!

We also have a page for brand assets, and you can always contact us and find out more on our about page.

Pivoting a platform
Albuquerque Journal | April 4, 2021
Theater in the Digital Sphere
Santa Fe Reporter | December 15, 2020
Santa Fe-based Xerb Sees Record Growth
NM Regional Development Corporation Newsletter | August 19, 2020
New normal for restaurants and theaters? Think outside
Santa Fe New Mexican | May 11, 2020
Cinemascope Interview with Xerb CEO Eric Streeper
KSFR Cinemascope | May 8, 2020
Show Me Justice Film Festival to show films online
Daily Star Journal | April 25, 2020
Streaming Sensations
Key West Florida Weekly | October 10, 2019
Companies to Watch:
Regional Development Corporation, 10/11/17
Interview about Xerb and Filmmakers of New Mexico
Cinema Scope on KSFR 101.1, 03/18/18

Santa Fe Reporter, 12/15/20

Teatro Paraguas partners with local company Xerb to stream online content.

Theatre in the Digital Sphere

Albuquerque Business First, 8/3/20

Santa Fe company finds triple-digit growth after applying its technology to online events

Santa Fe New Mexican, 5/11/20

New normal for restaurants and theaters? Think outside

KSFR Cinemascope. 5/8/20

Cinemascope Interview with Xerb CEO Eric Streeper

Curve Magazine, 5/8/20

Queer Film Festival “Fairy Tales” Goes Online with

Santa Fe New Mexican, 12/02/19

Article about the PILAS internship program at Santa Fe Community College, which Xerb developer Mario Martinez came through.

Building a workforce, one intern at a time

CinemaScope on KSFR, 11/29/19

Holiday edition of Stu Goswick’s CinemaScope.

What are you thankful for in 2019 and hopeful for in 2020?

Santa Fe Reporter, 11/27/19

In-depth article about how and why Xerb was founded and how it works.

Netflix on Blast

News18 India, 10/25/19 (Malayalam language)

National broadcaster in India covers the release of the Malayalam short film Waft on Our first foreign-language coverage!

Malayalam short film Waft chosen to US streaming platform

New Mexico Economic Development, 09/16/19

Press release for an event we sponsored targeted at the film community that tasked young artists with creating the New Mexico state ornament. sponsors – Student design winners chosen for the State Ornament

Cinema Scope on KSFR 101.1, 08/23/19

Radio personality Stu Goswick, host of the weekly show about all things film in New Mexico, speaks with CEO Eric Streeper about Xerb’s plans to put distribution into the hands of all creators and why it’s important.

Interview with Eric Streeper about giving filmmakers access to distribution

Pasatiempo, 08/23/19

Short blurb about the Santa Fe Film Festival channel.

Local streaming service offers 20 years of film fest selections/Early-bird ticket sales for SFFF, 04/02/19

KIDS FIRST! Partners with to Launch Family Streaming Service

KRQE News 13, 03/23/19

Coverage of the KIDS FIRST! channel launch by Albuquerque-based broadcast station.

Santa Fe based nonprofit and startup create kids video streaming service

Santa Fe New Mexican, 03/22/19

Article about the new KIDS FIRST! streaming channel, how it’s curated, and how it supports filmmakers making great content for kids.

New Santa Fe-based streaming service caters to kids

NM Film News, 02/08/19

Article on Wild Ride Film’s two titles being distributed on the KIDS FIRST! Channel: “Blackmail” and “Rebellion”, part of a series of coming-of-age stories by director Steven Burhoe.

NM Titles in Distribution

Opportunity Santa Fe, 06/27/18

An article on talented youth we worked with over the summer of 2018 by training them on technology. We focused heavily on Python programming and bringing in speakers in UI/UX design, digital marketing, and other fields to give them a broad taste of technical fields.

TechHire Summer Associates meet the Mayor and Han Solo

Cinema Scope on KSFR 101.1, 03/18/18

Radio show featuring host Stu Goswick talking all things film in New Mexico. This is an interview about the new streaming platform Xerb and the filmmaker group that CEO Eric Streeper runs.

Interview about Xerb and Filmmakers of New Mexico

PR Underground, 02/27/18

This is the press release sent out once the KIDS FIRST! children’s channel went live.

KIDS FIRST! Partners with to Launch Family Streaming Service March 1, 2019, 10/31/17 is an online magazine covering tech startups. This was coverage picked up based on the Engine article.

Why Santa Fe Attracts Talent in the Creative Arts

Regional Development Corporation, 10/11/17

The RDC is a Northern New Mexico economic development organization. This is part of a regular series they do on emerging companies.

Companies to Watch:

Engine, 8/24/17

Engine ( is a national tech startup advocacy organization. This was part of a series they did on entrepreneurs starting businesses outside of the main hubs.


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